Hello from Finland again everyone!!!
It's now that time of year again (even in Finland). People, even the "elderly" are taking their bikes out of their garages... Except for me perhaps... and I'm like amongst the youngest around... besides the point... but still... I'm f*cking pissed (off)!
So (as is tradition - in my life at least...) it's a new spring with a whole lot of new problems. This time its an unexpected one (arent't they always...). I was cleaning up the bike - thoroughly - before the riding season began. I was supposed to take the bike out of the garage yesterday after a major cleaning operation. And was "a bit" disapponted yesterday to notice that after the engine had warmed up, the warmup fast idle mode didn't stop. It idled 2000 RPM until the fan kicked in and continued (and would have to a point of overheating of course). After I was sure that it wasn't a glitch I shut the engine down - and said (you can imagine what...). So a diagnosis had to be made.
I first disconnected the negative battery terminal and waited for a few seconds before reconnecting (to reset the ECU). Started the bike - no difference - engine warm (display read 4 bars) and fan kicked in but idle still 2000 RPM. Shut down and restarted the bike for a few times but no difference. Then the guy who owns the warehouse where I store my bike for the winters (had bikes himself for like forever) noticed that when he twisted the throttle grip "backwards" the idle dropped. I then explained that's because this bike controls the idle through the throttle plates (not using an idle bypass valve) and so on...
So then I started looking at the throttle pulley and the mechanisms that would raise the idle for the cold start warmup mode. If I understood it correctly, it works as follows. There's no idle bypass air valve - not operated by a manual screw (constant idle) or a solenoid (high idle). Instead there's the secondary throttle control system which controls the secondary throttle plates via a step motor as ordered by the ECU (with respect to primary throttle position, engine RPM, gear position and maybe corrected by manifold absolute pressure and intake air temperature). And this secondary throttle control system controls also the cold start warmup mode via a secondary mechanism. If I remember correctly, at startup the secondary throttle plates open 100% and this on the other hand invokes a latch which pushes the primary throttle plates open also (like 1% or something - as adjusted - to the desired warmup idle speed). When the engine warms up, which is measured by the coolant temp sensor, the ECU then starts to close the secondaries which then frees up the primary throttle plates eventually "dropping" them off to the preset idle position (screw adjusted minimum position). Is this correct?
What I observed was the following. When the engine was warmed up and shut down i turned the ignition. There was the latch (operated apparently by the secondary throttle plate control mechanism) which turned down to catch up with the primary throttle pulley. At this point there was no gap beetween the two parts, the latch (apparently meant to keep the primary throttle plates more open at startup) was tucked to the primary throttle pulley. When I started the engine, the latch backed off (moved upwards) from the throttle pulley - which I interpreted as the throttle control system backing off the main throttle to allow the engine to idle at the normal (screw adjusted) preset speed. BUT then the primary throttle pulley didn't follow - instead leaving a gap beetween the two parts. And if I would turn the throttle grip "backwads" the idle did drop, but after I let go, it would return to at least 1500 RPM - regardless of the idle screw setting. The primary throttle was "hovering" all the time way above anything the idle screw could touch unless wound entirely in. To make this absolutely clear. When the engine should have had normal idle and the throttle plates should have been at the position set by the idle speed screw - there was a big gap!!! And another gap in the other mechanism (that I interpreted as the fast idle control mechanism)...
So I just thought that I should ask "stateside" whether there might be some ideas...
Thanks, yours Ilari.
EDIT: corrected drunken typo's ...
* Last updated by: ilarik on 4/22/2013 @ 1:47 PM *