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Thread: Traction Control Check Engine Light

Created on: 01/27/19 07:55 PM

Replies: 8



Central Valley Calif

Joined: 07/28/15

Posts: 64

Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/27/19 7:55 PM

Bike has been sitting for some time (a couple of months)... Started it this morning and up comes the two lights you see in the picture. Plus the Traction Control and Power selector are both 'flashing' and I cannot change them from the left handle switch... I have checked for a bad ground on the battery (not that)... removed and cleaned both sensors (not that)... Checked and cleaned both wheels (not that)... I am not sure where to go from here... Any help would be appreciated...

No tire changes, No work done, except added a couple of frame sliders. Cleaned, washed, regular sort of stuff...

* Last updated by: Batt5 on 1/27/2019 @ 8:13 PM *

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islandninja's Gravatar


Bintan Island, Indonesia

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RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/27/19 9:06 PM

have you checked for engine error codes?
how was the bike stored... any chance for mice to get in and to bite their way into the wiring harness?

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Central Valley Calif

Joined: 07/28/15

Posts: 64

RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/27/19 10:03 PM

Stored in an unheated garage no signs of any mice... everything is pretty much like new under there... When I say stored, I mean, it was in the garage and started at least once a week, cleaned and polished as well, constant attention... This is one that I am not familiar with... I had a similar issue once before, but that was my fault... I change the tire and put the rim on backwards... quick and easy fix... this one not so much...

When I leave the key on I am not getting an error code...

* Last updated by: Batt5 on 1/27/2019 @ 10:04 PM *

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Bintan Island, Indonesia

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RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/27/19 10:23 PM

your yellow engine error light is on... as such there should be an error code associated with it
the error code does not show up spontaneously on your screen, you have to trigger it with one of the switches on the left bar handle
am on the road now, and unable to remember which switch... you could get the info from the bike's maintenance manual, available online

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Central Valley Calif

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RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/28/19 4:42 PM

Bike is displaying error code 32

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Bintan Island, Indonesia

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RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/28/19 7:01 PM

the book says...
error code 32 = subthrottle sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
have you visual-checked your wiring?
would still suspect a mouse job...

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Central Valley Calif

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Posts: 64

RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/29/19 11:00 AM

I haven't discovered the solution yet, but thanks for the help... I appreciate it... hopefully another shot at it today...

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Central Valley Calif

Joined: 07/28/15

Posts: 64

RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/29/19 2:36 PM

I could not believe it... there it is in living color... mouse chewed wire... Again thanks for your help...

* Last updated by: Batt5 on 1/29/2019 @ 2:57 PM *

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Bintan Island, Indonesia

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RE: Traction Control Check Engine Light
01/29/19 3:48 PM

same happened to me a while ago...
since then the bike sleeps inside the house

the Kawi distributor here told me they have had similar issues, apparently only with this type of bikes...
for some reason the cable insulation material seems to be more tasty to mice

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