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Thread: It's a track bike right?

Created on: 05/10/16 07:06 PM

Replies: 87


Fantastic's Gravatar

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It's a track bike right?
05/10/16 7:06 PM

Even if it's not it certainly handles better than the gen1.

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/10/16 7:33 PM

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/10/2016 @ 7:34 PM *


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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/10/16 9:38 PM

Well THAT looks like fun!!!

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Fantastic's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/10/16 9:46 PM

It certainly was!

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/11/16 4:33 AM

"that's a touring bike, really." That's what someone told me when I brought my 14 to the track a few years ago. Yeah, I guess if you want it to be, it's a touring bike.


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Fantastic's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/11/16 8:35 AM

In Europe it is branded a sports-touring bike. American market is where it is sold and marketed as a drag bike so that is why in the states people see it that way. The suspension geometry and components put it firmly into the "sports" range of "sports-touring" and having experience from a couple 1000s it feels much more like them than it does a VFR or similar touring bike. Let us not forget the Concours 14 exists to make a touring bike out of the bigger engine btw.

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/11/16 9:19 AM

I've never seen any professional published numbers in a comparison setting of a 14R on a track vs other sport bikes. I don't know, maybe they (Sport Rider, Cycle World, etc.) consider it a waste of time and maybe it is but I think the results would be interesting none-the-less.

Why Kaw markets the bike differently in different regions is beyond me. I do wonder if there are other differences than paint jobs, emissions, and in some cases power? Maybe suspensions are tuned slightly different in the "sport touring" markets along with some of the other subtle changes (helmet locks, grab handle for example)? I do believe the Japanese market the clip-ons are of a different style as well (about a 1" rise).

Is it good or bad the general motorcycling public don't have any perception other than drag bike or sport tourer? Is it good or bad the probably larger percent of us discover the bike's other egos (e.g. handling abilities) creating nearly a sleeper like situation in curvy situations? I fully agree it's got 0 potential as a racing or full on track bike there simply are better choices although I think someone could do so as long as they aren't in some sort of competitive situation where the absolute lowest track times matter. I'd love to take my 14R to a track and hopefully will sometime but it may never happen.

zx14 vs c14, I've often thought someone buying a 14 and throwing luggage racks and risers on it seemed like someone buying the wrong bike. Although IMO a zx14 sold is a zx14 sold no matter what it ends up being used for.

* Last updated by: VicThing on 5/11/2016 @ 9:21 AM *

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Fantastic's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/11/16 11:14 AM

OEM parts numbers are the same globally so no, there is no difference between continents.

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/11/16 3:32 PM

Part numbers are part numbers, and if you order a 10845-33392 you're going to get a 10845-33392 wherever your at. There are differences between the bikes regionally however. One, they have different paint schemes. Australian and EU models are factory equipped with the pillion grab handle and helmet locks, US models are not.

I've seen pics of what appeared to be different OE style clip-ons. One of the difference was how the throttle cables are routed, with the throttle rotated 180 degrees from where it's at on US bikes. I don't recall how I stumbled on it though so I can't find it.

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Location: Midcoast Maine

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/11/16 6:05 PM

As much as I love my Concours C-14, it sure as hell isn't a ZX-14! The ZX-14 is like a Concours on steroids...

Current Rides: 2020 Triumph Rocket 3 GT; 2020 Triumph Speed Triple S; 2018 BMW K1600 Grand America; 2016 Kawasaki ZX-14R SE, 2015 Kawasaki C-14 Concours, 2014 Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster, 2014 Rocket 3 Touring, 2012 Harley-Davidson Fat Bob, 2011 Rocket 3 Roadster, 2009 Rocket 3 Standard, 1984 Honda V-65 Sabre

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/11/16 6:47 PM

One reason I feel like 14 might be marketed as a Sport Tourer in EU, compared to US and Australia, is the geographic sizes. As an analogy sort of like cars, in the UK a car with 60k miles is "high miles". It's not uncommon for a 20 year old car not to have 100k miles on it. In the US? It's not uncommon for a 3 year old car to have 100k miles on it.

I surmise possibly "touring" means entirely different things in these markets. In the US touring might mean 1000s of miles. In the UK touring might mean something more like 300 miles.

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nkd's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/12/16 3:45 PM

Fantastic looks like you were having fun. The ZX14R is quite underrated by many riders who have not done any spirited ridding on one.
Here is a comparison of the ZX14R (ZZR) to the ZX10R and H2

* Last updated by: nkd on 5/12/2016 @ 3:48 PM *

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/12/16 4:22 PM

WoW - glad the bike doesn't feel as big as she looks leaned into that apex ... maybe zoom out a bit? I've had mine on a high speed track day or two so I know how much fun you were having./ Makes me want to get signed up for another day of fun?

Perfectly Set up '06 dead and gone
New BBW '14 14R

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Fantastic's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/12/16 8:25 PM

That video comes out and says what I know to be true. It is like a ZX10R that you might want to ride somewhere other than the track, because the power-band is much more broad and usable, but it is still perfectly at home there.

I am not the one taking the shots so and it is all down to the camera crew that day. The one on my helmet I do control though and that isn't the one you are talking about.

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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ZX14MAN64's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/18/16 8:43 PM

I would like to add that before you get too confident and bold when laying it over in the corners, just remember this bike is 585 pounds; that's a lot of weight to be relying on the grip of the contact patches as its laying over in a fast corner

That said, I have taken some corners pretty quick on my bike myself. But I don't press it too hard. I am not the cornering maestro some are. Some guys can lay this big bike over and take a corner low and quick; faster than I could on a liter bike, or probably even a 600 Lol

Just my two cents

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/19/16 5:52 PM

Throw it in there, scrape the pegs (and although I hate it...bodywork). I've quite a few tires at lean never had grip problems. Have to be careful getting back on the throttle, but I don't' think that's particular to 14s just street riding in general.

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Fantastic's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/23/16 11:53 PM

Forgot to say I took her to another track. Apologies for the blurry photos but there was no event photographer and the only way to get pictures without VIR's objection was someone with their phone behind the barriers at this corner.

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/24/16 5:50 PM

I'm really starting to think the track is the only way to go if you need to go fast. I have a great road about 30 miles long with a lot of curves. I'm never comfortable going fast over the many hills and dips especially as the foliage fills in. Last time I was out, I almost ran over a turkey and I saw two deer, one stood in the road and only moved when my exhaust crackled. Then there is the ever present fear of police and pissing off the farmers and homeowners, gravel on the road, etc. The end result is that I go a lot slower than I can almost all the time and that's no big deal anymore. I think I'd be better off to not ride on the street so much and save the gas/insurance/oil/tire money for a track day.

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/24/2016 @ 5:53 PM *


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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/24/16 8:03 PM

I know what you're saying Rook. Especially about the animals and angry people stuff. It blows my mind what I read about people putting crap in the street on purpose (have literally read this before). I have a lot of respect for LEOs and just hope if someone catches me at my worst they'll have some mercy on me.

I don't know, if the only fun I could have was on a track, forget it put it up for sale. But that doesn't change that you're right cause you are.

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Fantastic's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/24/16 8:43 PM

I use the track to uncage my wild side. Going there has also slowed me down on the street. Just how dangerous would it be to do what I can do there on the street? If anything goes wrong on the street the ambulance is not 5 minutes away at most it is 15-30 minutes plus however long it takes for someone to see me. Why risk it?

When I do a ride out in the twisty roads off the track I am merely doing a cruise. Granted I have lead rides where I I was cruising but the other riders with me told me I was going way too fast when we got to the break spot so cruising is a relative term. My 75% might be their 120% or even their 50% if they are more skilled than me.

I ride the bike daily because driving a car angers me. I can see the spaces my motorcycle could fit through and now I am in this big box that can't do that, not that I do it even with the bike but I like the option available to me.

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/24/16 10:05 PM

I don't know, if the only fun I could have was on a track, forget it put it up for sale.

I don't recall if you tried it Vic but if not, you have to. There is never a place on the street where I can sustain the kind of speed I did on the track. No corners I can enter and exit at my max speed. Never comfortable wringing the bikes neck like I can at the track. The racket alone would scare the crap out of people on the street even if they were a half mile away....and on the track you can do this stuff for 15 minutes at a time never letting up. My tires never got as hot as they did on a warmish day at the track...not even close, not on the hottest day of street sport riding. I cannot melt tires unless I'm at the track and going fast for a lap or two. The key is sustaining the speed and cornering hard.

I think with the 14 you're bound to have a little different style than the true track bikes but so do the motards and non-race bikes. Screw everybody and ride the way you ride. Try to accomodate others every other session if you want. I found myself getting beyond my limits and that was enough to satisfy me. I was pretty happy to let people by me the rest of the day most of the time. I never could find my limits on the street because it's just too dangerous. Too many things could go wrong that would lead to a lot worse than a slide on the pavement and wrecked bike.


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ZX14MAN64's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/25/16 8:29 PM

Track day riding does indeed slow you down once you're back on the street I've heard that said before and I've found it to be very true

"what's the point" is the mindset you have after you have ridden balls out on a track with nothing hindering you whatsoever, then you're back on the street amongst other cars, blind corners, gravel or debris on the road, cops, pedestrians, etc.

Not only does it diminish your desire to ride fast on your street, it also diminishes your desire to ride on the street, at all Not saying riding on the street is no longer fun, but it does not have the thrill it once had before you went to a track and now have that to compare street riding to

* Last updated by: ZX14MAN64 on 5/25/2016 @ 8:33 PM *

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Fantastic's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/28/16 12:31 AM

And here are the last two. It is pretty easy to see my pace was faster here compared to the previous set, the difference in body positioning and lean is night and day. Sadly it is only 2 pictures. First time ever going to this track and this was my third and last session of the day and by now I had gotten pretty comfortable with the flow.

190/55 is overrated. 200/55 is where it is at.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/28/16 10:34 AM

I use the track to uncage my wild side. Going there has also slowed me down on the street. Just how dangerous would it be to do what I can do there on the street? If anything goes wrong on the street the ambulance is not 5 minutes away at most it is 15-30 minutes plus however long it takes for someone to see me.

When I do a ride out in the twisty roads off the track I am merely doing a cruise. Granted I have lead rides where I I was cruising but the other riders with me told me I was going way too fast when we got to the break spot so cruising is a relative term. My 75% might be their 120% or even their 50% if they are more skilled than me.

I ride the bike daily because driving a car angers me. I can see the spaces my motorcycle could fit through and now I am in this big box that can't do that, not that I do it even with the bike but I like the option available to me.

Agreed everyone has different levels. But not just riding skills. People have different resources and drives. Some people live in areas with dozens of tight twisty roads. Some people live in areas with a track. Some people can afford (or many finance) amateur racing or track day hobbies.

People also have different levels of personal attributes, such as will and time. Some people can satiate that rush with a track day or two a year. Some people go to every track day they can and it's not enough to satiate that rush, they still ride hard on the street. For example, does someone have the will to move for better roads or closer to race tracks?

I've said it before, my personality type is generally the more I do something the more I want to do that something. For me, a track day would probably result in the opposite of most people.

Why risk it?

Just riding is a risk. I'd say in general I'm only slightly increasing my risks of having an accident when riding hard. Now, there is a substantial difference. Obviously the faster an accident occurs, the level of injuries and possibly death increase. As far as having an accident though? I don't feel like I substantially increase my risks of having an accident.

I don't recall if you tried it Vic but if not, you have to. There is never a place on the street where I can sustain the kind of speed I did on the track. No corners I can enter and exit at my max speed.

And that's just the thing. You haven't done this on a track either. Yes, you've got your tires hotter and that sort of thing but you're not "racing" during a track day. I've watched a lot of track day videos, and quite honestly I'd probably be frustrated by other riders and some of the rules enforced in the groups I'd be slotted in.

I think part of it is Rook you probably have fairly limited roads like I do (IIRC you live in WI) and probably mostly flat land. I guarantee there are people that live in areas with roads they can get their tires melted on. To do some of this stuff on the street, it takes a mix of stupidity and balls (or being crazy...if you recall my definition of crazy). In my area, it definitely takes some balls because frankly as you guys are saying people can hear motorcycles and that tends to attract attention.

Still for me, like I said if I was limited to going out putting around on the street I have the wrong vehicle.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: It's a track bike right?
05/28/16 11:06 AM

I'd probably be frustrated by other riders and some of the rules enforced in the groups I'd be slotted in.

That can be a letdown. I've only been to one track and one of the track day riding supervisors is very strict. I got my ass chewed for a simple misunderstanding of his hand signals. That was very embarrassiing and intimidating for a first time track day. I guess it got the message across though. He also encouraged me to slow down and focus on keeping to the best line. That along with purposely going slow on the straightaways to allow others to pass made for a pretty expensive and disappointing day compared to the previous experience. That's why I said before "screw everyone and ride the way you ride." If the other riders will pay your track fee or let you use their bike, then you owe them something but not on your own money.

I think part of it is Rook you probably have fairly limited roads like I do (IIRC you live in WI) and probably mostly flat land.

Well, mostly flatish but perfectly flat like in AZ is only a mile here and a mile there and those roads will typically be totally straight. Limited as they are, I think the roads are the least concern. I could ride them faster if it weren't for my fear of cops, oncoming traffic, farm equipment traffic and animals in the road.

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/28/2016 @ 11:08 AM *


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