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Thread: Alternator warning light

Created on: 01/18/24 06:05 AM

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Joined: 01/18/24

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Alternator warning light
01/18/24 6:05 AM

Hi, not ridden the bike for a couple of months but went out this morning. It stated okay, took a moment but the orange alternator light is constantly on. Any advice? If i ride the bike some 30 or so miles will it go out and will the bike start again or will it stop mid way through the ride. I assume it is because the battery is flatish? Any help for the new boy greatly appreciated.

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RE: Alternator warning light
01/18/24 10:46 PM

Here are basic if not Ideal voltage numbers to go by. This covers the whole charging loop of the batter, voltage regulator and stator. The meter will show who of the 3 components is at fault. Set a voltmeter to 20v and never leave your eyes drift from the reading, because the number changes are fast at the meter read directly off the battery:

12.8v or more right off the charger. This shows if the battery has PUSH. Push means volts.
12.6v and below is the cutoff to recharge back to 12.8v.
12.8v with key on. Shows it has power to spare.
11.1v is starter load or drops to this level shows a good battery.
12.8v quickly returns when engine starts. Shows the battery can recover back to the ideal voltage.
14.4v wipes the 12.8v instantly at the meter, where then this shows the stator and voltage regulator are good.
12,8v with engine idling shows a bad stator.
15v+ will show a bad voltage regulator.

Yuasa battery company says a battery will lose a volt a day. So 60 days would be 60% down or flatish.
Since the starter motor acts as a load test, 10v load as the battery starts the engine and returns to 12.1v if at all, this is a battery going south even if the static read is 12.8v, it's the PUSH you are looking for to recover. Low recovery, change battery.

Any questions?

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